Wednesday 15 August 2007


Having been living in Ireland for so long, I thought I should sit back and look back how much I have changed and how my life has changed over the last 7 years.
There are loads of similarity between home and here but the differences are grater I think. Definitely worth to put some thoughts in this. Perhaps I should start taking note of these things as I always wanted to do – it’s meaningful as its part of my life and its fun too. Where should I start is the big question. You know the way there are always so many ideas and snapshots pop in and out of your memory and brain every so often while you are either driving, washing dishes, having a shower or went out for walk, somehow trigger by a song on the radio or whatever – whenever you don’t have a pen in your hand and wrote down the things you want to write down. That really is my pet hate.

Well, I guess these things will come again eventually but at the moment they are just stored under a big pile of to do lists and unread magazines or current affairs in my not very sophisticated little brain. Don’t you worry, I will dig ye all out nice and slowly. I never thought that I would have so much space and time for myself as a mother of two and a wife of a very kind husband. Perhaps I have come to the right place to live? Perhaps 我祖上有積德? Who knows, one thing I know for sure is that I am happy and will try to continuing feeling the same for the rest of my life.

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